TOP closing considered

Talk about Tetris Online Poland

TOP closing considered

Postby Wojtek » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:08 am

Over last year I have used my time and money to keep the game running. Only thing I was getting was ability to play good game with other people. It was OK, but since I am not interested in playing Tetris anymore, there is no good reason for me to keep game running. So I wonder if it would be big issue for you if I would close the game?
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Re: TOP closing considered

Postby Lucho » Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:00 pm

That would be so sad :(
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Re: TOP closing considered

Postby Jonasi » Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:53 am

Man, really? :(

Found out about this game yesterday and I was so happy because it plays so well. Feels better than nullpomino even.

Is it the money that's a problem? Maybe you could open up for donations or let someone else take over? I would gladly do that but i'm afraid I don't have the knowledge to take care of it.
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Re: TOP closing considered

Postby richsaint2x78 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:04 pm

can you please tell us the reason before you do that? i found this the best tetris client because theres no lag. So please dont do it.
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Re: TOP closing considered

Postby Wojtek » Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:04 pm

Maybe I said too much, I'm sorry. TOP is NOT closing, don't worry.

I just got bit angry because:
1. since we started to accept donations about half year ago, only one person donated (and also this person is close friend of mine)
2. somebody complained about lack of development

3. somehow communication with players is not very good
4. seems western tetris community is pretty much dead now
5. i stopped playing

but after talking with few friends i realized that closing is not good idea. maybe things are not going as well as i would wish, but i realized other tetris games and websites probably have similar issues and they keep running despite that.

About donations, it will stay closed for now, I don't want you think I'm just playing with your emotions. But i will open it again when I have time to work on this project again (probably not soon).
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Re: TOP closing considered

Postby o2cake » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:06 pm

It’s a hard day indeed. > <
Thanks, Wojtek
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