practice/ endgame Stats bug

Talk about Tetris Online Poland

practice/ endgame Stats bug

Postby Spirale » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:34 am

I don't know if I just noticed this bug recently or if it wasn't there before your last update but it seems that sometimes the stats and practice button disappear at some point in the game when you have lost and other people are playing. I don't really know the reason for this. really strange bug.
Also, If someone leaves the game after having lost, (not having been KOd) and all other people are KOd then the end stats say ALL KO, but the winner really did not ALL KO.
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Re: practice/ endgame Stats bug

Postby Wojtek » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:38 pm

hello, first problem needs investigation, but from what i know it's bug in TOJ client, when i have some time i will try to compile list of know bugs.
and about second problem, there is not much i can do about it, client shows ALL KO thing when number of koes for given player is equal to number of result entries - 1, and it's not possible to show players that are not in room anymore on result list. this problem was surely less visible on orginal TOJ server, because they don't allow player to leave room before game is over, but it still can happen if player suddenly disconnect.
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