it's been 6 months from when TOJ shut down, so it's good time for some summary. I think TOP is quite successful, we have over 20k accounts, 7k monthly active unique users and 1400 daily active unique users.
So, what's now? I want to continue working on it, i don't have much time for this, but we should slowly move forward. There are still lot to: user profile pages(with some more advanced statistics), account management (changing of profile picture and password), password recovery, integration of game account with forum account, some client autoupdate and so on. My to-do list is longer that you can expect.

Anyway, I hope i will find some time for some new tetris related project, what will it be? Maybe alternative TOP/nullpo client, or hangame tetris server (and english patch of course), or some tool for easy TOJ modding, or maybe i can do something for nullpomino, or maybe even something else, who knows.
I want to thank all TOP players and supporters, without you this game would not exist. I am especially happy about people who actively spread word about TOP and encourage other people to play it, either by steaming TOP games on nico nico and, writing guides, mentioning TOP on their blogs, or just inviting their friends. I don't think i mentioned that before, but it should be obvious that future of TOP depends mostly on you and your support, so i am counting on you.
Happy new year,