What do the Emoticons mean?

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What do the Emoticons mean?

Postby Barney » Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:28 am

Hey, I've decided to train my multiplayer skills hardcore, and TOP is by far my favorite platform, so I chose that.
Thats why I want to know the meanings of the emoticons, because I fear that if I don't use them properly I'm being rude.
Here's what I know already:
F1: Hello/Welcome
Some people often use this at the start of every game?

F5: Good Game

I doubt every emoticon has an underlying reason, but I would like to know if they have!
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Re: What do the Emoticons mean?

Postby Wojtek » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:11 am

i think f1 and f5 are most common used emoticons, other are not as important. not like i understand japanese people and their emoticons, but's here my best:

first page:
f1: "hello", some people use it as "ready"
f2: "crying"
f3: "defeated"
f4: "dizzy"
f5: "OK", many people use it as "good game"
f6: "it is now"
f7: "go"
f8: "bye"

second page
f1: "smile"
f2: "tired"
f3: "sad"
f4" "smirk"
f5: "angry"
f6: "hang in there"
f7: "hope/expectation"
f8: "laugh"
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Re: What do the Emoticons mean?

Postby Barney » Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:58 pm

Alright thanks, so f1 means ready, thats good to know, I was wondering why people kept saying hello every round
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Re: What do the Emoticons mean?

Postby riisssaaa » Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:19 pm

Some minor corrections ^^
(I'm studying Japanese as Japanese beginners.)

Page 1:
f5: 「いぇい」 is pronounced "Yay" so it's as it seems; a thumbs up ^^.

Page 2:
f1: 「ルンルン」are nonsense syllables so it is akin to "Lala~" (Singing or whistling.)

f3: 「う~ん」sounds like "uuunnn!" a grunt of somesort so its like being frustrated.

f6: 「がんばれ」can be used for many purposes. It's like a cheer so "Do your best!"
is more accurate than "Hang in there!" <-- can be used for that too!

f8: 「やったー」is an exclamation usually said after a victory.
The translation would be "I (we/you) did it!"

Hope this helps ppl in the future :D.
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