
Miscellaneous Tetris discussion


Postby johntimber » Thu May 31, 2018 5:30 am


I'm long time tetris player and i am also learning to play puyo, but my progress is quite slow. I noticed many puyo players think tetris is dull and boring game, but i don't think it's true. Mastering tetris can be as hard as mastering puyo, but of course it's bit easier to get started. as for tetris I'm mainly interested in multiplayer.There are two games particular games that i can recommend:NullpoMino, very versatile tetris clone, that can simulate many different rules and modes from other games (kinda like Puyo Puyo Compendium for tetris).Tetris Online Poland, unoficial server for retired game Tetris Online Japan.If you are interested in tetris and want to learn advanced techniques, there is good websites for tetris knowledge: tetrisconcept.net

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